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Books of Oz

Books illustrated by Martin, Dick:

1958: Musical Fantasies of L. Frank Baum, The

1959: High-Jinks of L. Frank Baum, The

1960: Visitors From Oz, The

1963: Merry Go Round in Oz

1969: Animal Fairy Tales

1972: Yankee in Oz

1976: Enchanted Island of Oz, The

1980: Forbidden Fountain of Oz, The

1981: Cut and Assemble The Emerald City of Oz

1982: Cut and Make Wizard of Oz Masks

1982: Prince Silverwings

1984: Oz Picture Gallery, An

1985: Cut and Assemble Wizard of Oz Toy Theatre

1985: Ozmapolitan of Oz

1985: Wizard of Way Up and Other Wonders, The

1996: Oz Game Book, The

1998: Oz Sketchbook, An

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