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News from Glinda's Great Book of Records
Books of Oz: authors count = 1132

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MacCormack, Justin
Macejak, Elaine
MacFall, Russell P.
Mackenzie, Kasey
MacSciance, Fickal
MacVeigh, Rob Roy
Madden, Onyx (James E. Nitch)
Madrigal, Ramon
Maguire, Gregory
Main, Darren John
Maldonado, S.P.
Malone, John
Man-Kong, Mary
Maness, Karen L.
Mangels, Andy
Manguel, Alberto
Mann, Jacob
Manning, Jodie
Mannino, Greg
Mannix, Daniel P.
Maren, Jerry
Mariano, Nick
Marie, Olivia
Marin, Rena
Mark, Tony
Marks, Miranda
Marsh-Doll, Karen
Martin, Dick
Martin, Matthew, L.
Martin, Sean
Martinez, Juan
Martinez, Tyler
Maruya, Ryo
Marvel, Richard
Mason, Darrin
Massachi, Dina Schiff
Massey, Jeff
Massey, Kristin
Masterson, Mark
Mathews, Kelly
Matos, Daniel
Maund, Patrick M.
Maxey, James
Maxwell, Isaiah
Maxwell, J.T.
May, Craig R.
Mayle, Mitchell B.
Mazurick, Shannon K.
McAlpine, Gordon
McBain, Allison
McBride, Michael L
McClelland, Doug
McCormick, B. A.
McCoy, Robyn
McCray, Cheyenne
McFarland, Kim
McFauh-Queppe, Lisa
McGraw, Eloise Jarvis
McHugh, Dominic
McIntosh, Stacey Jaine
McKade, Mackenzie
Mcmillan, E.S.
McMillan, Keith
McPherson, Eddie
Mebes, Marcus
Mederos, Gene
Meehl, J.R.
Meeusen, Meghann
Meinert, Kevin E.
Meislin, Yankel
Melancon, Isabelle
Mendelsohn, Farah
Menton, Ted
Meredith, Adam
Merivale, Phillippa
Messruther, Sue
Metcalf, Suzanne (L. Frank Baum)
Mettam, Dale
Metzger, Steve
Meyer, John
Meyer, Rich
Meyer, Susan E.
Meyers, David
Meyerson, Harold
Michaela, Marie
Michal, Scott
Michanczyk, Michael
Michel, Dee
Mickelson, Richard
Minnelli, Vincente
Mlynowski, Sarah
Moerbeek, Kees
Mohl Sr., Ricky
Monaco, Anthony John
Mongold, Harry E.
Monk, Deborah
Monroe, Geneva
Moon, Amanda Michelle
Moore, Alan
Moore, James
Moore, Raylyn
Moore, Stuart
Morella, Joe
Morena, Dorothy Gita
Moreno, Kendra
Morin, Jean-Pierre
Morosco, Oliver
Morpurgo, Michael
Morrah, Dave
Morrese, D.L.
Morris Jr., David Joseph
Morris, Frederick Lyle Von Thrauthemburg
Morris, Ruth
Moser, Barry
Moser, Leo
Moyer, Robert
Mula, Tom
Muldowney, Oisin
Muller, Romeo

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