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News from Glinda's Great Book of Records
Books of Oz: authors count = 1132

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Gale, Gabriel
Gallagher, B. J.
Gambin, Lee
Gannaway, Atticus (Ryan)
Gans, Kerry
Garcia, Alex
Gardner, Martin
Gardner, Richard A.
Gardos, Howard
Garlick, Jaqueline
Gatward, David
Gehl, Nicole
Gentry, S. Alexander
Gessel, Michael
Gevedon, Garten
Gick, Greg
Gikow, Louise
Giles, Inga
Gillespie, A. Arnold
Gilmore, Robert
Gjovaag, Eric
Glassman, Peter
Gleeson, Warwick
Gleeson, Warwick
Glick, Ron
Goettel, Bill
Golden, Christopher
Goldschmidt, Rick
Goodspeed, Elizabeth Fuller
Gordon, Helen
Grace, Jenya
Grandy, Melody
Grant, Jasmine
Grant, Jasmine
Gratz, Alan M.
Grave, Alexa
Gray, Roma
Green, Joey
Green, Jonathan
Green, R.T.
Green, Simon R.
Greene, Carol
Greene, David L.
Greene, Douglas G.
Greene, Heather
Greene, Heather
Grey, Harrison
Griffith, Denny
Griffith, Ralph
Grimm, D'Artagnan
Griswold, Jerry
Gross, Edward
Gross, Hugh
Grove, Bethel
Guadalupi, Gianni
Guarneri, Dr. Cristina
Gulch, Almira
Guzzardi, Peter

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