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News from Glinda's Great Book of Records
Books of Oz: authors count = 1123

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Caldwell, Todd
Callary, Edward
Cameron, Phyl
Campbell, Bill
Candela, Kevin
Cannistra, Meg
Capwell, Richard
Carlson, Karyl
Carlyle, John
Carpenter, Angelica Shirley
Carpenter, Humphrey
Carroll, Willard
Carter, Lin
Carter, Zeb
Castillo, Tommy
Castle, Nathan G.
Cavallaro, Adele Saccarelli
Cavallaro, Michael
Chapman, Bill
Chase, Bridget
Chase, Dakota
Chu, Amy
Cinders, S
Cinders, S
Cintron, J.A.
Claringbolt, Scott
Clarke, Gerald
Clarke, Peter B.
Clary, Brian S.
Classics, Twisted
Clement, Eddie Magee
Clinton Fan Club, Hillary
Cohen, Douglas
Cohen, Jeff
Cola, P.
Cole, Doris O.
Coleman, Emily R.
Colfer, Chris
Collier, Kevin Scott
Collins, Judy
Connoisseur of Bacon, Anonymous
Connors, Roger
Cook, Katie
Cooke, John Estes (L. Frank Baum)
Cooley, Nicole
Cooper, T.G.
Copping, Linda
Corkin, Charles
Cosentino, Joe
Cosgrove, Rachel R.
Cosper, John
Cote, David
Coulson, Joan Beck
Couvillion, E.
Cox, Bobby
Cox, Stephen
Craig, Elena P.
Crawford, Jade
Crawford, Vernon
Crow, Gabriel P.
Curtis, Grant

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