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News from Glinda's Great Book of Records
Books of Oz: publisher count = 650

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MacMillan, New York
MadDuck Books
Madras Press
Madville Publishing
Manuel Weltman
Maple Creek Press
March Hare Books
Marcus Mebes
Margaret K. McElderry Books
Markosia Enterprises Ltd.
Marsh & Grant
Mascot Books
Mason/Charter, New York
Matilda Joslyn Gage Foundation
McCaa Publications
McFarland & Co Inc
McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York
Media Lab Publishing
Melcher Media
Metro Books
Michigan State University Press, Lansing, Michigan
Midnight Graffiti
Midnight Tide Publishing
Mint Leaf Publishing
Mirabilis Press
Mirage Comics
Miser Bros. Press,
Moody Publications
Moonlight Press, Chisholm, MN
Mt. Olympus Comics
Munchkin Pub.
Mythic Books for Young Readers

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