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News from Glinda's Great Book of Records
Books of Oz: illustrator count = 342

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Caldwell, Ben
Cali, Lucille
Call, Greg
Campbell, Bill
Capwell, Richard
Carbajal, Patricio
Carr, Kevin
Carsey, Alice
Casallos, Eman
Castillo, Tommy
Cavallaro, Michael
Centeno, Neftali
Chadbourne, Glenn
Chang, Elsa
Chichester Clark, Emma
Chin, Jason
Christiansen, Mark
Civati, Chiara
Clark, Randy
Clarke, Mary Cowles
Clerc, Lucille
Cloutier, S.
Coll, Chas J.
Collander, Matt
Cool, Anna-Maria
Coons, Sean
Cooper, Jay
Cornwell, Jane
Cory, Fanny Y.
Couture, Cristin
Craft, Marsha
Crawford, Mel
Crossley, Kev
Curi, Shady

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