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Books of Oz

Books illustrated by Mebes, Marcus:

1990: Lurline and the White Ravens of Oz

1990: Mysterious Caverns of Oz, The

1990: Ozma Gets Really Pissed off and Cusses and Totally Offends (almost) Everyone in Oz

1991: Fairy Circle in Oz, The

1992: Lunarr and Maureen in Oz

1992: Magic Tapestry of Oz, The

1992: Skeezik and the Mys Tree of Oz

1992: Time Travelling in Oz

1993: Sail Away to Oz

1994: Brewster Bunny and the Case of the Outrageous Enchantments of Oz

1994: Odd Tale of Osoenft in Oz, The

1994: Red Reera the Yookoohoo and the Enchanted Easter Eggs of Oz

1994: Silver Elf in Oz, A

1995: Haunted Castle of Oz, The

1995: Healing Power of Oz, The

1995: Shifting Sands of Oz, The

1995: Sinister Gases in Oz

1996: Fwiirp in Oz

1998: Thorns and Private Files in Oz

2001: Tired Tailor of Oz, The

2002: Small Adventure in Oz, A

2002: Starglory of Oz

2004: Merry Mountaineer of Oz, The

2005: Brewster Bunny of Oz

2005: Million Miles from Here Is Oz, A

2005: Seven Blue Mountains of Oz, The: Book 3 - Zim Greenleaf of Oz

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