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From Kansas to Oz: How to Pack Enough Hope for the Trip

Larson, Gail
Self Help

If you've ever sneaked a peak into your sister's diary...reading "From Kansas to Oz" is a similar experience. Imagine what her diary would say if she had just heard the words, "you have cancer." Louis, Trisha, and Luke heard these words. Their stories are recorded to give you insight into the minds of people who are challenged with this potentially devastating illness. Their diary entries are refreshingly honest revelations, woven together by truth and humor. Based on Dorothy's adventures in "The Wizard of Oz", the accounts are fictional compilations of patients the author has encountered during her quarter of a century nursing career. If you have ever wondered what people with cancer are really thinking, this book will give you the answer. If you have ever wondered what to say to people with cancer, this book will put the words in your mouth. As a cancer survivor, the author takes this opportunity to tell it all.

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