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Years Genre There's No Place Like Home The Great Oz Knows Why You Have Come How Very Resourceful Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Curtain |
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News from Glinda's Great Book of Records |
Amethyst (The Witches of Oz) |
2024 | |
Author(s): Serrano, Nicholas |
Illustrator(s): |
Publisher(s): Locket Publishing |
Genre(s): Fantasy |
Comments: Pastoria, home of the opulent Emerald City, was once a place of wondrous magic. The great Witches of this land, four sisters of incredible power, had ruled over their selected countries for many a year. Allied with King Lyman, keeper of the Emerald City, the witches kept peace and governed their people with compassion, trust, and strength. That is until the mysterious balloon man appeared in their beloved kingdom. Tragedy has since befallen Pastoria, with this newfound visitor at its center. With the sudden loss and replacement of her brother the King, and the newfound vilification and mistrust of all magic, Mombi, Witch of the North, must take it upon herself to avenge her brother's death and restore balance to the land she calls home. With the combined help and magic of her sisters, perhaps peaceful rule can once again be restored to Pastoria. |
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