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News from Glinda's Great Book of Records
Beldam of Oz

Allison, Kelvin V.A.
Independently Published

England, 1817. A nation recovering from the aftermath of countless years fighting the hordes of Napoleon and La Grande Armée. Just one of thousands of former soldiers now jobless and living hand to mouth, Obadiah Moon, former rifleman in His Majesty’s Army, accepts a job as gamekeeper at the late Lady Ross’s Emerald Estate in Northern England, near the tiny village of Ozham. Taking his former comrades, the giant Welshman Dai ‘Cowardly’ Hughes and the cynical, older Vincent Hayman, with him, Obadiah sets out north on the stagecoach, The Tornado, looking forward to a new life of peace in the countryside, not realising that their arrival coincides with the return of four sisters from the North, South, East and West. What follows is a nightmare of madness and terror as the trio are forced to defend the Emerald Estate against the horrors of the Beldam. Were-beasts, and witches, and cannibals…oh my!!!

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