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Sundays at Sam's: Including The Wishing Horse and the Computer Wizard of Oz

Karr, Phyllis Ann
Independently Published
Games, Toys & Trivia

Rolegame playing in the alternate timeline of the R.S.A. This volume records eighteen games played at Sam Imani's house in Forest Green, Indiana, 1979-1980: ten set in Oz and centering around the annual efforts of Ozma's pet villain to conquer her kingdom; eight set anywhere and anywhen in the Topsyturvydom of the Gilbert & Sullivan operas (which in that timeline number 16, the final four being "The Governess," "The Tuppenny Prince," "Foggerty's Fairy," and "The Drood Solution"). This collection includes the complete text of The Wishing Horse and the Computer Wizard of Oz, heavily based on Ruth Plumly Thompson's masterpiece.

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