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News from Glinda's Great Book of Records
Lost Princess of Oz, The

Baum, Lyman Frank
Neill, John Rea
Reilly & Britton, Chicago

Talk about Button-Bright getting lost--Ozma is almost as bad! This is actually the second time Ozma has been lost. As you know, once she was "lost" for many years. But in this book she is lost for only a short time. As soon as it is discovered that the ruler of Oz is lost--and with her all the important magical instruments in Oz--search parties, one for each of the four countries of Oz, set out to find her. We follow the adventures of the party headed by Dorothy and the Wizard, who explore unknown parts of the Winkie Country in search of Ozma. How Ozma is found, and where she has been, will surprise you. Frogman, a new character, is introduced in this book.

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