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Wizdom of Oz, The

Merivale, Phillippa
O Books
Self Help

Read this book and find your very own yellow brick road to enlightenment! Have you ever felt short of direction or personal power, been out of a job or out of love? Then take solace. In The Wizdom of Oz, old professor Theo takes a bunch of his best-loved students on a journey through this brightly-lit and colourful place, the mythical planet of Oz, where the hearts and minds of its inhabitants and its visitors is more visible than they are in the half-light, or the humdrum of ordinary existence on planet Earth. He shows them what this place, or this state of mind, really has to offer anyone ready to follow their hearts and light up their lives. The original Wizard of Oz was written over a century ago but its hidden messages are as pertinent now as ever. This entertaining book can be read in less than an hour but it can help you for the rest of your life.

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