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Wizard of Oz Code, The

Hancock, Mich
Jansen, Rob
LayaLuna, LLC

The Wizard of Oz Code by Mich Hancock •Discover the secrets encoded within The Wizard of Oz •Find Joy and Truth in every situation - no matter what it looks like •Change your perceptions; see all from a higher vantage point •See how life lovingly provides you with everything you need to find your power •Become Soul-Focused AND Body Centered •Become a physical, mental, spiritual and emotional master! •Somewhere Over the Rainbow is actually here, you just have to learn how to get there. This book can get you there; you can live your Joy. About The Wizard of Oz Code: Ancient civilizations, such as the Mayans and Hopi, are said to have left information to guide us through the times beginning in 2012. And though these ancient maps have been most helpful, what if we were to discover a more contemporary map - in the form of a movie? No, not one of the Armageddon-inspired, earth exploding movies, but a film of whim and whimsy, music and song - the beloved 1939 film version of The Wizard of Oz. 2012 is not the end, but a brand new shiny beginning! Come along with Dorothy (your physical expression), the Scarecrow (your mental expression), the Tin Man (your spiritual expression) and the Cowardly Lion (your emotional expression) for a whole-some adventure down the Yellow Brick Road (your third chakra). Arm in arm with all your expressions, you will head (or skip!) toward our next evolution, where we will live in a place of joy, love and compassion (Emerald City). Along the way you will learn to listen to Toto (your inner voice), and face the wildly out of control Wicked Witch of the West (your ego). You will come to stand in your own pair of Ruby Red Slippers (or powerful foundation/first chakra), and uplift your view of all from the higher vantage point of your Soul. So get out of Kansas (the physical boundaries of earth time and space) and come to Oz, where all your greatest secrets and knowledge lie!

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