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Short Short Oz Story, A

Baum, Lyman Frank
Buckethead Enterprises of Oz

"A Short, Short Oz Story" is a brief work by L. Frank Baum. It was originally an inscription that Baum wrote in the copy of The Road to Oz that he gave to his first grandson, Joslyn Stanton Baum, on the baby's first birthday, 14 July 1909. The piece was given a title and published in The Baum Bugle in 1964. An edition of twenty numbered copies was issued by Buckethead Enterprises of Oz in 1994; a second edition followed from Tails of the Cowardly Lion and Friends. "Once upon a time the Storks brought a baby to Frank Joslyn and Helen Snow Baum, and the baby was so smiling and sweet and merry that he won his way to all hearts — those of strangers as well as of his doting relations. For as the Stork was flying Earthward, it met the Love Fairy, who stopped to kiss the babe; and next the Laughing Fay tossed it in his arms; and then Glinda the Good blessed it and decreed it happiness. So on the Stork flew with its burden until it passed the Emerald City, where the Shaggy Man took the Love Magnet from the great gates and pressed it against the infant's brow. "And so, what do you think will be the fate of this youngster — so favored by the fairies? I know. He will find in life joy and gladness and prosperity, and since he has touched the Love Magnet he will win all hearts. It is so decreed."

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