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Dorothy and the Lost Coal Mine to Oz

Fuller, James L.
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

All Katie, Tommy, their Aunt Dorothy and her dog Sigi wanted to do was go for a hike a picnic during spring break. What could be simpler? The hike started out without any problems. Lunch went as expected. Then they noticed some unnatural shaped stones. So naturally they had to investigate the stones. They were part of a lost graveyard. While looking at the graveyard, they get caught in a bad storm! The dog chases a raccoon into a lost mine. They others take shelter in the mine entrance. The dog chase raccoon deeper into the mine, boy follows dog. Others follows boy. The roof falls in trapping them in the mine. The night, they are haunted by the ghost of a two-hundred year old murder victim. The ghost finally agrees to help them to get out of the mine if they will help him get justice. How do you solve a two-hundred year old murder mystery and get justice for the victim? How can the Land of Oz help? That is what the story is all about.

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