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Jellia Jamb, Maid of Oz

Hardenbrook, David

Oz is a magical, wondrous world that extends far beyond the famous MGM film! This second "Oz" novel by Dave Hardenbrook centers around the adventures of Jellia Jamb, the sweet and sprightly maid of the Emerald City. After miraculously acquiring magical powers after bathing in a mysterious pool of enchanted liquid candy, Jellia finds herself part of a complex web of Ozian politics, involving the long-standing prohibition against mortals like herself from practicing magic, and the ancient fairyland law that forbids romantic love in Oz, and she embarks on a wild adventure that carries her far -- even to a parallel universe! With a riveting plot, wry humor, offbeat science fiction elements, and some saucy sexiness, this is an "adult" Oz story that preserves L. Frank Baum's vision of a utopian fairyland. Experience Oz like never before! NOTE: This book is recommended for mature readers aged 16 and up.

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